Saturday, August 5, 2023



Abia State Governor, Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, has made a decisive proclamation, affirming that not even the rainy season will hinder his determined quest to rebuild Aba, the economic hub of the state.

In the company of Hungarian Deputy Ambassador to Nigeria, Gabor Kruss, and Economic Counselor of the Hungarian Embassy, Judith Beres, Governor Otti embarked on an inspection tour of ongoing road projects in Aba, expressing his unwavering commitment to fulfilling the promises made during his campaign.

Addressing an exultant crowd on Cemetery Road, one of the roads currently undergoing renovation in Aba, the Governor assured the gathered residents that the rains would not impede their aspirations for a better life, which had remained unfulfilled for the past 24 years.

"Regardless of rain or shine, we will rebuild Aba," declared Dr. Otti, as the jubilant crowd eagerly gathered around him and his team, leaving their shops and homes to show their support.

Continuing, he emphasized, "Today, I have personally witnessed the state of Cemetery Road, and I am pleased with the progress despite the rainy weather. Our primary challenge is the blocked drainage, which the contractor has started to clear, despite it not being part of the initial contract. If you look to your left, you will see the copious debris that has been excavated from the drainage system.

"We have now divided the project into two phases. The first phase extends from number one to the railway line, with the second phase positioned beyond the rail. All this accumulated waste will be gone by tomorrow, and as soon as we have two consecutive days of dry weather, the road will be paved with asphalt, ready for use."

In addition, the Governor shared exciting plans for the road: "Let me also announce that solar-powered street lights will be installed here. Whether it is day or night, this road will be illuminated."

Governor Otti expressed his gratitude to the public for their cooperation with the contractor and for their warm hospitality towards the workers, urging them to remain patient throughout the completion of the project.

"Once again, I express my gratitude for your enduring patience. I acknowledge the patience you have shown thus far, and we are just a few weeks away from delivering this road. We are committed to delivering other road projects in Aba as well.

"Thank you for supporting the workers. The contractor informed me that you provide meals for them. I sincerely appreciate this gesture, and may God continue to bless you," prayed Dr. Otti.

The inspection tour commenced at University Road, moving on to Green Avenue, Shallom Road, then to Cemetery Road and finally ending up at Emelogu Road. 

No fewer than nine roads in Aba are currently under partial and comprehensive rehabilitation. All the roads are being handled by reputable construction companies, including CCECC, Craneburg and MCC.

This is really the people's oriented leadership dream as envisaged by all Abians. 

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