Monday, November 20, 2023



Name: Michael Nd. Odi Onyenfe, Age: Adult, Nationality/Tribe Nigeria/Igbo, Religion: Christianity, Occupation: Professional, Date: 25th June, 2001; Address: No. 15 Umunnachi St. Awka, Enugu.

I, Michael Ndubuisi Odionyenfe having been duly cautioned in English/Igbo Language that I am not oblige to say anything unless I wish to do so, but whatever I say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence. I voluntarily elect to state as follows signed: Michael ND. Odionyenfe 25/6/2001.

Sometime before August, 2000 I and my -elder brother Ikechukwu Odionyeafe went to the former information and Tourism Commissioner Prince Eze Chikanmayo to congratulate him on his appointment as a Commissioner in the state and on the process he promised of giving us printing jobs whenever one is available. 

On a later Sate I went to the Ministry to greet him, he said I should bring a proposal for the printing of the State Executive Almanac which I did using my company’s name, Ordion Bits and later on I went to him for a feedback, only to be informed that job has already been given out to one FOTOTAS before he Prince Eze Chikamnayo was made a commissioner in the state. He then asked me to tender quotation on the printing of the state calendar and Diaries for 2001 and on August 7th 2000, 

I tendered my quotation in the ministry and later on 10th October, 2000 after many visits to the Ministry and later on 10th October, 2000 after many visits to the ministry to know if my proposal has been approved, I was give a letter of invitation to come and process some other relevant papers for the job, Reference No. MICT/COM/52/91 and commence on the job that it has been approved. Then on a letter date in the same October, 2000, 

I went to the Ministry to remind him of the need to start off with the job, having paid my tender fee in one of my visits before the job could be commenced, he then issued me with a cheque of N1,000,000.00 first and another cheque for mobilization.

Receipt covering the amount received by me made and deposited in the Ministry, After all the documents, the tender fee, the agreement, performance bond by the African Safety Insurance Company, were signed, I then proceeded in the printing of the item i.e. the Calendar and the Diaries (Desk and Pocket). And most importantly the then commissioner’s directive that the job should be ready between December and January,

I then left for the production of the job. On November I supplied 1000 copies of the Calendar and then asked him for some more find to enable me finish with the job, but he said I should wait. Then after waiting, I again wrote to the Commission on 4th December, 2000 attaching the receipt covering the amount he has given me and I reminded him of the need to finish with the production on time. In letter I demanded for N3,500,000.00 but the money was not made available. 

In February, I was invited by the alternate Commissioner Mr. Enyinnaya Ubani who said I should supply their Calendars and Diaries and Informed him that money was the subject matter. And then again I was asked to supply the items and I continued telling them that more money should be provided. After all these harassments I then wrote to the Governor on the 15th of February, intimidating him of my plight and then on 7th of March I was written by the Ministry inviting me. 

After interrogating me by the present Commissioner Prince Emeka Obasi,

I left and on the 6th of April, the Ministry through the Ag. Permanent Secretary wrote and informed me of the executive decision i.e. (Exco of Abia State Government) that the remaining items be supplied and be paid for I then went to my creditors in Lagos issuing them with post dated cheques before they released the Calendars which I supplied to the government printer and demanded for some money to enable., me conclude on the Diaries through my letter on 23′d April, 2001. 

It was then that I was informed that I have been paid fully, the total sum of N5,900, 000.00 which 1 told them I never received but only the N1. 1m i.e (One Million, One Hundred Thousand Naira) I received as the mobilization. And on 22nd of June I was invited by the State CID and then on 25th of the same June, 1 honoured the invitation.

In the job order, it was spelt out that the condition of the contract is as follows: 10,000 copies of Calendar for N2,500, 000.00, Desk Diary for N2.500, (5000 copies), Pocket Diary for N900,000.00 (3000 copies) all totaling N5.9m. N5,900, 000.00.

I printed the 10,000 copies of the Calendar and because of the time frame as regards his plan to present the Calendar during Ugwu Abia 2000 I could only realm about 1000 copies which 1 supplied on November 2000 and then requested for more fund:-

He asked me to endeavour to complete with the production of the Calendar and Diaries if 70% of the total sum is made available on or before the end of December, 2000. And with some samples of the Diaries though the Calendars have been ready without being reamed. I asked for money which was not made available. I then entered into agreement with my creditors to realm the Calendar completely which they did and they said they will release the Calendars only when they are paid for. 

Because of this I couldn’t supply the entire sum of the calendar until government wrote to me to supply with the letter head and some post dated cheques, they now released the Calendars. I supplied the remaining calendars on 18th April, 2001. The balance of the money to be paid for the Calendar already supplied is N1,400,000.00.1 was paid by his personal cheques of N100, 000.00 and N1,000, 000.00 totaling N1. 1m signed by Prince Eze Chikamnayo. 

We wrote a contract agreement which was signed but held in the Ministry for stamp duty by the planning officer. I don’t have a copy of it. 

And in that contract agreement, the term of the contract is clearly stated. 

Although the Ministry wrote and informed me that my money have been paid but I do not know who they paid it to. I made inquiry as regards their claimed and could only found that the vouchers with which they claimed to have paid me was signed by a different person and even one of the vouchers with which they claimed to have paid me were signed by a different person and even one of the vouchers was having another person’s name before being altered and replaced with my company’s name, (Odorin Bits). 

I was not aware that my company’s name was used to cash N5.9 million naira from the Hallmark bank Umuahia branch. What remains a mystery to me is how possible it is to cash a cheque written for somebody by another person. 


Michael ND. Odionyenfe 25/6/2001

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