Friday, August 4, 2023


Today, His Excellency Dr Alex Otti, OFR, conducted an inspection of Shalom Road, one of the roads being constructed by his government. This inspection reaffirms the commitment of Gov. Otti to improving infrastructure as part of his administration's constitutional responsibilities.

The inspection of Shalom Road is an important step in assessing the progress and quality of the road construction project. By personally visiting the site, Gov. Otti demonstrates his dedication to ensuring that infrastructure development meets the highest standards and serves the needs of the people.

Improving road infrastructure is essential for socioeconomic development, as it enhances connectivity, facilitates transportation, and stimulates economic activities. Gov. Otti's focus on this road construction project signifies his understanding of the positive impact such infrastructure can have on the lives and livelihoods of the people in the area.

Under his leadership, the government's commitment to road construction reflects its determination to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities and deliver tangible benefits to ndi Abia. The inspection of the Shalom Road project by Gov. Otti signals a hands-on approach to governance and highlights his dedication to serving the people of the region.

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