Sunday, August 6, 2023


Rep. Aguocha Urges Tinubu to Prioritize National Interests over International Influences.

A plea has been made to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to carefully consider the consequences of engaging in a military confrontation with Niger Republic due to the influence of the United States and France. The admonition, coming from a Labour Party lawmaker, advises Tinubu against rushing into war and risking potential implications on Nigeria's relationship with Russia.

In a statement issued by Rep. Aguocha, he emphasized the need for Nigeria to exercise caution and not be swayed by the interests of foreign powers. The lawmaker also pointed out the importance of upholding trade agreements, stating that cutting off power supply to Niger Republic would be a breach of the existing treaty between the two nations.

Rep. Aguocha stressed that pursuing alternative methods of resolving the political crisis in Niger would be a more prudent approach, given Nigeria's current economic challenges, including the need to address insurgencies and domestic threats. It is crucial for Nigeria to prioritize its national interests and avoid unnecessary risks that could potentially jeopardize its stability.

The statement concludes by calling on the Nigerian government, represented by President Tinubu, to exercise wise judgment and vigilance in its decision-making process, ensuring that the country's actions are guided by considerations for its own welfare rather than succumbing to external pressures and influences.

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