Tuesday, July 18, 2023


The Governor of Abia State has expressed his gratitude to the Hungarian Embassy for their willingness to collaborate with Abia State in these critical areas. He emphasized the importance of partnerships and the potential benefits it can bring to the people of Abia.

Governor Otti also highlighted some of the specific areas where the State would like to receive support from Hungary. These include the establishment of vocational training centers to enhance skills development, investment in healthcare infrastructure and equipment, and the provision of modern agricultural technology to boost food production.

Furthermore, Otti stressed the need for cooperation in the area of water resources management, as Abia State faces challenges of water scarcity and inadequate sanitation facilities. He also expressed interest in exploring opportunities for increased trade and investment between Abia State and Hungary.

Both parties agreed to establish a joint working group to further discuss and develop the areas of collaboration in detail. The Hungarian Ambassador assured Governor Otti of his government's commitment to the partnership and pledged to facilitate the necessary processes to ensure successful implementation.

In conclusion, Governor Otti expressed optimism about the potential of the collaboration to positively impact the lives of the people of Abia State. He expressed his readiness to explore all avenues for cooperation and to ensure the successful execution of the agreed projects and initiatives.

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