Tuesday, July 25, 2023


I am glad to hear Professor Bartholomew Nnaji's positive outlook on the future of Abia State under the leadership of Governor Alex Otti. As the Chairman of Geometric Power, he believes that Governor Otti's credentials hold a lot of promise for the state.

The collaboration between the government and the private sector is crucial for the development and progress of any region, and Prof. Nnaji sees great potential in this partnership in Abia State. He commends Governor Otti's engagement in ensuring that Geometric Power comes on stream, with power generation set to begin within the next two months.

The efforts to provide reliable power supply to Aba are commendable. While the power plant is currently reliant on the National Grid, plans are in place to generate power from Geometric Power's own plant. The return and reinstallation of turbines, as well as the ongoing work with the NNPC to resolve gas supply issues, indicate positive progress towards achieving this goal.

The promise of a regulated pricing system, set by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), ensures that consumers will have access to power at fair and affordable rates.

Overall, this update from Professor Nnaji and his team suggests that the future of Abia State's power supply and development looks promising under Governor Otti's leadership. I am optimistic about the positive impact that these endeavors will have on the people of Abia State.

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