Monday, June 10, 2024



Recap of some of the Governor’s activities last week- Sunday 2nd June to Saturday 8th June 2024

1. His Excellency Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, chaired the weekly State Executive Meeting.

2. The Governor received a team from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International Idea), an intergovernmental organisation with a mandate to support sustainable democracy worldwide which has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The team was led by the organisation's Head of Programme in Nigeria, Mr. Danladi Plang. They informed the Governor that they have chosen Abia State for its second phase of the European Union funded Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) Programme. The group said it chose Abia as its focal state for the Phase II of its programme "following internal conversations at the EU and what has been said about the reforms that are taking place in Abia State."

Plang, who commended Governor Otti on his leadership qualities, said the programme has been extended for another five years and Abia and Plateau states were chosen to join Lagos, Anambra, Edo, Kano and Adamawa states for the Phase II, beginning this year.

"For us, it confirms what has been said about Abia since His Excellency, the Governor, Alex Otti, assumed leadership. It is a testament to the good work that you're doing and also a testament to the fact that the people of Abia State did not make a mistake in electing you, seeing the support that is coming from the other development partners," Plang said while addressing the Governor.

3. Governor Otti continued his moral boosting engagement with the Nigerian Army who lost five of their gallant officers killed by yet-to-be-identified gunmen at Obikabia in Obingwa Local Area of Abia State, as he visited the Ngwa High School Operational Base of the 144 battalion of the Nigerian Army in Abia State.  

Addressing the troop the Governor said, “"My name is Alex Otti, I am the Governor of Abia State. I feel it is my responsibility as the Chief Security Officer of the State to speak to you, commiserate with you, and also ensure that your morale is boosted, that you don’t get discouraged and you don’t get distracted by this unfortunate incident. 

"I want to assure you that this State will do everything possible to ensure that all of you are protected," Governor Otti guaranteed.

The Governor reiterated his appeal to the Army to carry out their investigation conscious of the fact that some of those already arrested in the course of investigation may be innocent.  

4. Gov. Otti met with a group of investors from the United States, China, and Brazil led by Dr. John Nwankwo, Chief Executive Officer of Comfort Stevens, who is into footwear manufacturing. They came to formally introduce to the Governor their large-scale industrial footwear project, a 15,000 capacity per day footwear production, which will be commissioned by December 2024, and thereafter start production. Dr. Nwankwo, who presented different samples of high quality shoes to the Governor, said that they will not only produce complete shoes but also shoe components such as gum, soles, insoles, strings, among others. He congratulated Governor Otti for his impactful and wonderful one year in office which has seen the State record unimaginable and remarkable progress. He also commended him for his passion and consistent support for the development and growth of local content as demonstrated by the use of Innoson Vehicles as his official car and that of appointees and many elected public officeholders. 

The Governor assured the investors that his government would support them in realising their dream of completing their factory located in Owerrinta, Isialangwa South Local Government Area of Abia State. "I want to congratulate you for not giving up and I'm happy that you have gotten to this level that you are hopeful of commissioning by December.

"If there's anything that we can do to support you to make that December a reality, please don't hesitate to ask," Governor Otti assured.    

5. Also within the week in retrospect the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hassan Bala Abubakar, paid Governor Otti a working visit alongside other Senior Officers of the Nigerian Air Force. During their meeting with the Governor, Air Marshal Hasan Bala Abubakar announced that the Nigerian Air Force will be setting up an operational base in Abia State to enhance security not only in Abia but the entire South East Zone of the country. He commended Governor Otti for his dedication to governance and commitment to the development of the State as well as his leadership style, "which is people-oriented and centered to judicious management of public resources in order to improve the living standards of Abians". 

Governor Otti welcomed the decision by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) to set up an operational base in the State, promising to give the Force all the support it needs to take off. "We want to particularly thank you for this very great approval that you have given to set up your presence in Abia State. 

"This is a great time for Abia, it’s a great time for you to be here since we have an airport coming. Luckily, it is a very large parcel of land and by that airport, we are going to give you land to site your operations," an appreciative Governor Otti told the Air Force Chief while thanking him for the visit.

6. Governor Otti received a delegation of the sector commanders of the Joint Task Force (JTF) known as “Operation Delta Safe” charged with the responsibility of securing oil and gas operations in 10 states of the South South, South East, and South West, who came on a familiarization visit. The JTC delegation was led by the Commander, Rear Admiral John Okeke. 

The Governor described those who engage in the stealing and illegal refining of the nation's crude oil as enemies of the state and should be treated as such. He assured of the Abia State Government’s support in the fight against oil theft and illegal refining. "Those who operate illegal refineries and other activities, are the enemies of the state and should be treated as such. “For us, we do not support any illegality by anybody in any form. You can take it for granted that we, as a government, will give you all the support to carry out your operation here," Governor Otti assured. He also pleaded with the task force to help secure the Abia Innovation and Industrial Park (AIIP) at Owaza, in Ukwa West and assured them of the support of the State Government in terms of logistics and intelligence sharing to make their assignment easier.

7. Governor Otti, played host to the State Coordinator of the Nigeria Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Abia state, Barr. Mrs. Gladys Adama, and her team, among whom were corps members, who visited him. He promptly issued a directive to the Commissioner for Sports and Youth Development, who unfortunately was unavoidably absent at the meeting, to work with the NYSC State Coordinator to immediately attend to the issues enumerated in order to restore the camp into a decent and secure environment.

The Governor restated that it is the nature of his government to ensure that the welfare of the people comes first, adding that anyone who lives and serves in the State is considered an Abian. 

"I have taken note of all the points you raised, including the well-being of the five thousand youth corps members, office accommodation, the challenge of fencing the camp, ambulance, the Coordinator's residence, and, of course, payment of allowance by the State. 

"We are going to look at them,” the Governor assured

8. His Excellency Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, joined the family of Barr. Echezona Etiaba (SAN) in golden jubilee (50th) birthday thanksgiving and celebration of Pastor Uche Etiaba.

His position as Governor does not stand in the way of his relationship with friends as he always finds time to identify with them in moments of joy and difficulty.  

His presence at the event was greeted with great excitements as always each time he makes public appearance.

Nwahiwe, Chinonyerem Cleverson, Information Officer, Government House Press 10/6/2024

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