Wednesday, April 24, 2024



The Abia State Government has observed with dismay the ugly incident that occurred last week at Aba, during which a police officer reportedly shot an Abia citizen, Mr. Emmanuel Okocha, of Amanta, Abiriba, in Ohafia Local Government Area.

His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, is  personally saddened by this unfortunate incident and has directed the Abia State Commissioner of Police, CP Kene Onwuemelie, to ensure that the Police officers involved in this unfortunate incident are duly investigated and anyone found culpable is made to face the full wrath of the law.

Preliminary information from the Abia State Police Command shows that one of the Police officers involved is already in custody and would be made to go through the disciplinary process of the Police Force. If he is culpable, the officer would be sanctioned appropriately and charged to court.

While commiserating with the immediate family of the victim and the entire people of Abiriba and the Aba community at large, Government commends the communities for heeding to the appeal not to go on protest or take laws into their hands in display of anger over the death of Mr. Emmanuel Okocha.

The State Government wishes to assure the family and the Abiriba and Aba communities that there will be no cover-up in this matter.  

The State Government would like to reassure the citizens and residents of its commitment to protecting their lives and property at all times and enjoins everyone to go about their lawful businesses without fear or hindrance.


Professor Kenneth Kalu 

Secretary to the Government

Abia State

April 24, 2024.

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