Thursday, November 23, 2023



It was Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who first said "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," an observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases and vice versa. 

The above is the case of PDP in Abia State. For the past 24 years, PDP political actors have held the state hostage as they steered the political power of the state and looted the state and her people dry without qualms of conscience. However,  with the change in power within the last 6 months with the Labour Party (LP) steering the political ship of the state, PDP in Abia State, a known organized gang of criminals in the state for the past 24 years has suddenly gained the moral stamina to defame a people-oriented administration of His Excellency, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti,  OFR, in the name of fighting corruption in a hard effort to paint white black. 

In the curious scenario where the fantastically corrupt embark on a mission to combat corruption, a fascinating interplay of motives and contradictions unfolds. It's akin to a tale where those well-versed in the art of corruption suddenly find themselves thrust into the role of reformers. This paradoxical shift brings to light the intricate complexities of human behavior, accountability, and the quest for genuine change.

Picture the seasoned manipulator of systems, accustomed to exploiting every loophole for personal gain, now confronted with the task of rectifying the very structures they've skillfully navigated. It is a narrative that invites us to question the authenticity of their intentions and the sincerity behind their actions. Can individuals deeply entrenched in corruption truly become agents of reform, or is this an elaborate façade meant to maintain the status quo?

The clash between inherent corruption and the genuine desire for positive transformation creates a dynamic tension that permeates every step of this unexpected journey. It is a delicate dance where the motivations of these players are shrouded in ambiguity, and the outcomes are far from certain. As they navigate this uncharted territory, one wonders whether the allure of power and personal gain will ultimately overshadow the genuine commitment to eradicating corruption.

Yet, within this paradox lies the potential for a profound shift in the narrative of corruption. Could the experience of those intimately familiar with the mechanisms of deceit and manipulation lead to a more nuanced understanding of how to dismantle such systems? Or, does the very nature of their past actions cast a shadow of doubt on their ability to bring about meaningful change?

In essence, the scenario where the fantastically corrupt grapple with corruption humanizes the struggle against systemic flaws. It reminds us that even those deeply enmeshed in unethical practices are, at their core, individuals with the capacity for transformation. The journey, however, is riddled with uncertainties, and the resolution of this paradox rests on the delicate balance between genuine intent and the ghosts of past transgressions. Yet, it makes sense to pose some compelling questions such as: 

1. Is PDP's acclaimed fight against corruption in Abia State a genuine one that tilts towards the common good of the people or is it a mischievous and hypocritical fight that aims at some personal gains? 

2. How genuine is PDP's fight against corruption in Abia state? 

3. Where was the Party and its agent's moral conscience for the past 24 years? 

4. What moral rectitude does a party that ruined the state and her people for the past 24 years have to beam moral light on a government that is barely 6 months old yet has outperformed the PDP in all sectors and standards of genuine leadership performance assessment? 

5. Is it out of place to say that this fight is a 'prolonged cry' having lost her evil grip on the good people of Abia State for the past 24 years? 

6. If the PDP's acclaimed fight against corruption is genuine, does it not logically follow to say that the PDP in Abia State has mindfully and willingly perpetrated evil on the people and the fight is to keep that chain of evil and the perpetuation of the organogram of political wickedness? 

I wish to conclude this article by saying that facts are self-evident unlike opinions and the good people of Abia State should do a comparative leadership study between the administration of the PDP in the state for the past 24 years and that of the Labour Party within the past 6 months and place the result of their study side by side for public review and consumption.

Anokwuru C U is a Political Analyst, he writes from Umuahia...

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