Thursday, November 23, 2023



A learned fool is more of a fool than an ignorant fool, "quoting the words of MoliĆØre. Also, according to a popular statement, " a fool at 40 is a fool forever.

The activities of the 3 PDP boys -- Eze Chikannayo, Uche Aguoru, and Eks Steve on social media is a clear justification of the assertion that "a fool at 40 is a fool forever ".

Their allegation is the most reckless and highly irresponsible. It implies that the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and its spokespersons, Mr Eze Chikannayo and Co is now in panic mode, having been dazed by the overwhelming popularity of Governor Alex Otti.

These Abia PDP criminals, knowing that they have no chance of winning at the election tribunal, they resorted to cheap blackmail, fictitious, and malicious allegations to effect a demonic hidden agenda in the state.

I note with dismay the story being peddled on social media by these unscrupulous elements of the Abia People’s Democratic Party (PDP) led by an advanced idiot known as Eze Chikannayo, attempting to misinform members of the public to divert the attention of Abians from the huge achievements recorded in the state.

I'm disheartened that someone like Mr Uche Aguoru can denigrate himself into joining agents of darkness and destabilisation in making unfounded vile comments just to heighten tension in the polity. As they can see, Abians are not interested in their lies.

Abians are very much aware that the governorship candidate of the PDP, Okey Ahiwe the former PDP governor and other PDP members have been making attempts in stoking the fire of divisions and crisis in the state, having been confronted by the stark reality of a looming defeat at the election tribunal.

Being frustrated, Abians aren't surprised that the former governor- Okezie Ikpeazu will send out his lapdogs to stream on social media to make wild and irresponsible allegations to divert the attention of our people from the ongoing Probe of his led past administration at the Judicial Panel of Inquiry.

As is well known, available ratings show that development in Abia State has consistently maintained an unprecedented growth rate under Dr Alex Otti's administration since June this year. The rankings also show that Abia State is now one of the leading states in Nigeria. To examplify my argument, as at yesterday, the ambassadors and High Commissioners of Foreign Embassies and High Commissions seeking audience with His Excellency, Governor Otti on issues relating to multi million dollars foreign direct investments are over 15. This has never happened in the history of the state.

It's also worthy to note that the number of both foreign and local investors with capacity who have formerly indicated their intention to invest in Abia is now too numerous to count. This is happening because they have seen transparency, accountability and seriousness in governance.

I trust that all patriotic, objective and non-partisan Abians will reject those false allegations knowing it to be invalid and they will have the evidence of the progressively and ever more developed and alluring state under Governor Alex Otti's administration to support their position.

Let me refresh our memories on these dangerous characters who have been on social media in the past few days running their mouths like public tap.

1. The Abia People’s Democratic Party (PDP) under the immediate past administration when Eze Chikannayo was the Commissioner for Information recieved a whopping sum of N27.4 billion Naira in full from the World Bank for road construction and erosion control projects in Aba, specifically Port-Harcourt Road, Uratta Road, Obohia Road, Ohanku Road and Ngwa Road. To everyone's greatest surprise, the PDP led administration blew the money without any single project to show. This wicked act compelled a former angry House of Assembly member- Hon Obinna Ichita to write to the former governor Ikpeazu through his lawyer to explain the way about of the sum of N27.4 billion Naira meant for the projects in his Constituency. 

2. The immediate past PDP led Government couldn't explain how what they did with the N30 billion bailout Paris Club Loan they received. 

3. It's appalling that Eze Chikannayo and Uche Aguoru who are speaking for Abia PDP served in an administration that left a debt burden of N191, 239, 307, 593.61 billion ( N191.2 billion) for governor Alex Otti's administration.  

4. With all the monies at their disposal yet, they couldn't pay salaries, pensions, subventions, and gratituty. Rather than utilising revenue that accrued to the State for meaningful projects, they pilfered and diverted huge sums into personal and private pockets. 

For instance, can Eze Chikannayo, Uche Aguoru and Eks Steve find the humility to explain to Abians what their administration led by Okezie Ikpeazu did with a whopping sum of N2.8 billion received from SURE P and kept with Union bank, which they diverted into private pockets few days for their administration to hand over to Governor Alex Otti?

5. Is it also for the love of Abians, that the notorious administration of Okezie Ikpeazu left salaries, arears of salaries, pensions and gratuity unpaid for more than 24 months and effectively accumulated a debt burden of over N66.2 billion for the state? A situation that the Dr. Alex Otti Administration has tackled head on to the admiration of the teeming workers in Abia.

6. Apart from the debts above, Eze Chikannayo and his league of pilfers also left physical liabilities in all sectors of the state and its key institutions. Imagine all official vehicles including staff cars, home appliances like ACs, Refrigerator, furnitures and electrical fittings to mention but a few were shamelessly stolen from the government house by these agents of darkness. That's the reason Governor Otti and some of his appointees are operating from his private house because we have no Government House. This explains why His Excellency, Dr. Alex Otti also resorted to using his personal vehicles to discharge his official duties over this months.

7. As these demonic characters and destroyers of good conscience continue in their baseless and shameless comments, it is trite that His Excellency, Dr. Alex Otti OFR. is poised to advance his transformational strides beyond the reach and imagination of this purveyors of darkness as can be seen in the economy of Abia and the infrastructural landscape of the state.

Little wonder, the Governor Dr. Alex Otti OFR. is not deterred in his determination to enthrone governance, restore dignity and reinforce hardwork as a catalyst for a greater and prosperous Abia of our dream. 

Finally, the general public is enjoined to remain focused on the roadmap to a new Abia, disregard these apostles of hate and brigandage and continue to offer their prayers and support for the administration of His Excellency, Dr. Alex in his determination to take Abia to its pride of place. In a nutshell, Eze Chikannayo, Eks Steve and Uche Aguoru represent the dark and odious past of Abia whose place is the history of the state remain a source of pain, agony and regrets, and never to reckoned with by people of good conscience. 

Uche Mark Nwosu.

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