Monday, November 20, 2023



As Presented By Pw.4 – (A) Sgt. Bassey Egbonyi, Pw. 5 – (B) Inspr. Felix Ojeikhoa, Pw.6 (C) S.D. Midonda Acp, Ab:1360/Abs/X/D3/Vol1/18


This deals with a case of stealing reported through a petition dated 18th May, 2001 and addressed to the Commissioner of Police Abia State by Chief Felix E. Erondu, Ag. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism Abia State on behalf of Abia State Government.

The petition was written against the former commissioner in the ministry in the person of Chief Eze Chikamnayo. The petition was endorsed to this department for investigation Ref: endorsement letter AR:1360/ABS/ VOL.1/ 10A dated 24′” May, 2001.


According to the Petitioner, the former commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism Chief Eze Chikamnayo on behalf of the Abia State Government awarded Messrs Ordion Bits of No. 15 Umunnachi Street Awkananaw Enugu a contract for the production of year 2001 calendar, table and pocket diaries as follows: (i) 10,000 copies of calendar at N2, 500, 000.00, (ii) 5,000 copies of table and pocket diaries at N2, 500, 000.00 and (iii) 3,000 copies of pocket diaries at N900, 000.00. the total sum of involved is N5, 900.000 (Five million Nine Hundred Thousand Naira). 

This money was withdrawn from Hallmark Bank Umuahia branch in the separate cheques -Cheque No. 00000240 of 9′” October, 2000 covering the sum of N4, 130, 000.00 (Four Million One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Naira) and cheque No. 00000241 of 16th October, 2000 covering the sum of N1.180, 000.00 (One Million, One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Naira) respectively. The contractor Ordion Bits alias Michael Odionyenfe only delivered the calendars without the diaries. On inquiry by the ministry as to know why he did not complete the contract even when the whole money involved has been paid to him as shown in the record, he explained that he was only paid N1.1m (One Million One Hundred 

Thousand Naira) only as a mobilization fee and that no other money was given to him. This prompted the complainant to write to the Commissioner of police for a thorough investigation to be carried out on the matter.


Immediately the petition was referred for investigation, the complainant was located. One Bassey Ijeoma who was incharge of payment voucher and other charges in the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism was equally located and he volunteered a statement. A letter was written to the Ministry requesting for the contract agreement and any other relevant document relating to the case and the following documents were brought:- letter No. MICT/COM/52/91 which is the conditions for the award of the contract, a letter from “Ordion Bits” demanding for more funds from Chief Eze Chikamnayo the former Commissioner and a receipt acknowledging that he had collected one Million Naira as mobilization fee.

On the 8/6/2001, the suspect, Chief Eze Chikamnayo was located and arrested. He was charged and cautioned in English language and he volunteered a statement. In his statement, he admitted withdrawing the money from Hallmark Bank. He equally admitted paying the contractor N1.1m as mobilization. He also claimed he used part of the money to settle some party members. He could not however name the party members he settled with the money nor could he mention the amount each person got. 

A team of detectives led by Ihspr. Felix Ojiakhoa left to Enugu to invite the contractor Ordion Bits alias Michel Odionyenfe. He was located and his statement obtained. He stated that Chief Eze Chikamnayo who was the former Commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism awarded a contract to him to produce year 2001 calendar and diaries for Abia State Government. He equally stated that the said Eze Chikamnayo mobilized him with the sum of N1.1m and that by November, 2000, he produced one thousand calendars from that money and delivered it to him He also stated that he requested for more fund from him to enable him complete the remaining one? but he failed to give him until he was ousted from office. 

A letter was equally sent to the Accountant General to produce the payment voucher and other documents relating to the case. The payment voucher and the approval letter of contract by the governor were obtained. Investigation was extended to Hallmark Bank Umuahia where the two cheques that were used to withdraw the money were inspected. This revealed that Chief Eze Chikamnayo the former Commissioner in the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, personally withdrew the money from Hallmark Bank and paid same into his own private account No. 101335-100 also in the same bank.


During the investigation, the following findings were adduced: (a) That the suspect Chief Eze Chikamnayo was the former Commissioner for Information Culture and Tourism in Abia State (b) the during his tenure as a commissioner in the Ministry, he made a proposal in writing for the printing of year 2001 calendar, table and pocket diaries to the state government

(c) that the proposal was approved by the Governor and the money involved is N5,900,000.00 (Five Million, Nine Hundred Thousand Naira) 

(d) That the contract for the production of these calendar and diaries was awarded by Chief Eze Chikamnayo to one Michael Oduionyenfe alias “Ordion Bits” who is based in Enugu 

(e) That the conditions of the contract are as follows: (i) 10,000 copies of calendar N2,500,000.00 

(ii) 5,000 copies of table diary N2,500,000.00

 (iii) 3,000 copies of pocket diary – N900,000.00 total N5,900,000.00 (Five Million Nine Hundred Thousand Naira). 

(f) That the contactor Ordion Bits was mobilized with the sum of N1.1m to start the job 

(g) That by the month of November, 2000, the Chief Eze Chikamanyo

(h) That the contractor failed to deliver the rest of the items for non-payment of additional money to him for the job 

(i) that apart from the mobilization fee amounting to N1.1m, no other money was paid to the contractor. 

(j) that the said Eze Chikamnayo instead of paying for the contract which the money was approved for paid the remaining balance of money a mounting to N4,800,000.00 (Four Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Naira) into his own personal account with account No. 101335-100 at Hallmark Bank.

Recommendation: Investigation into this case has been concluded. All the necessary document relating to the case have been obtained. I has been established that Chief Eze Chikamnayo who is the former commissioner in the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism in Abia State, defrauded the state Government to the tune of N4,800,000.00.

It is therefore recommended that he should be charged to court for stealing contrary to Section 390(5) of the Criminal Code. This is subject to your approval, please.

Signed (S. O. Midenda) ACPA

sst. Comm. of Police, (SCIP)

State Police Headquarters, Umuahia.

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