Tuesday, July 18, 2023


NNPP Criticizes President Tinubu for Fuel Price Increase, Calls for Economic Policy Reconsideration

The New Nigeria People's Party (NNPP) has strongly condemned President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the recent hike in petrol prices, which have risen from N537 to N617 per liter. The President had announced the removal of fuel subsidies during his inauguration on May 29, resulting in the significant increase in fuel prices.

In an interview with an Online correspondent, Dr. Agbo Major, the national publicity secretary of NNPP, expressed dissatisfaction with President Tinubu's economic policies, particularly the fuel price increase. Dr. Major criticized the move, stating that it has not brought any relief to Nigerians and instead has led to further impoverishment. He claimed that individuals in the oil sector and those in positions of power are benefiting from this decision, while ordinary Nigerians suffer.

Dr. Major emphasized that there is a limit to what Nigerians can tolerate and urged President Tinubu to reconsider his economic policies before pushing Nigerians to the breaking point. He asserted that if NNPP were in power, they would have approached the issue differently. Rather than abruptly removing subsidies, they would have focused on identifying and addressing the underlying issues causing the misappropriation of subsidy funds. Dr. Major suggested redirecting the funds to their intended purposes and ensuring that the cost of fuel and essential goods and services remains affordable for the average citizen.

While Dr. Major acknowledged that the removal of subsidies may be necessary, he criticized the manner in which it was implemented. He highlighted the pain, agony, and difficulties that Nigerians are currently experiencing as a result and emphasized that this approach is not acceptable.

Dr. Major concluded by noting that the constant burden and hardships faced by Nigerians are reaching an intolerable level. He expressed doubt about the continued patience of the Nigerian people in enduring such circumstances and warned that these policies risk alienating them further from the government.

The NNPP calls on President Tinubu to reconsider his economic policies and ensure that they prioritize the welfare and interests of the Nigerian people.

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